
Marta Olcoń-Kubicka
is an economic sociologist and a researcher in the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her work focuses on cultural analyses of economic life and on ethnographic research into money practices in households. She was a principal investigator in the project “Practices of handling money in close relationships in young family households” (2014-2017). She is currently leading a research project “Intergenerational transactions: Relational work and moral frames in transfers of wealth from parents to their adult children” (2019-2021). She has published in the Journal of Cultural Economy and in Polish Sociological Review.

Mateusz Halawa
is a researcher in the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Trained in sociology and cultural anthropology, he focuses on ethnographic research into the social worlds of money and finance. Since 2015 he has served as the head of social sciences and humanities at the School of Form, a design program in Poznań. He is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at the New School for Social Research in New York, where he worked at the intersection of design, ethnography, and social thought. He has published in Cultural Studies and the Journal of Cultural Economy, among other places, exploring the culture and currency of mortgage credit in Poland and the moralities of digitized domestic calculations. Google Scholar ResearchGate LinkedIn
Our collaborators and research assistants are: Małgorzata Łukianow, doctoral candidate at the Graduate School for Social Research with a focus on social memory in the context of migration and displacement; Michał Sitek, assistant professor at IFiS PAN working on institutional analyses of education and social policy; and Feliks Tuszko, graduate student in sociology and art history at the University of Warsaw with a focus on sociology of production, valuation, and markets in the field of fine arts in Poland.